GELS operates business primarily through licensee model.
GELS looks for people who believe in entrepreneurship.
GELS believes in local people developing the neighbourhood areas.
GELS partners are will motivated to achieve their true potential.
GELS offers a business investment model customized to each region.
GELS aims to develop sustainable investment, with lot of rewards to grow within the system.
The cost are transparent, and worked out to break even, as major revenue for the company and licensee is from the children.
A fee is collected for the license kit which will include most our product kits, and basic requirements for starting a center.
For Abacus programs, Display abacus, Dictation books, Basic promo materials, Press kits, and Others.
A Portion is held as an advance, fore supply of kits over a period of time, at the company’s description.
All personal support in terms of visit or promotion planning are charged additionally.
Charges include program wise kits, and royalty, center management kits, training, local coordination, and launch expenses of prescribed nature.
The break even of on all these models is aimed between 6 to 10 months.
Out of 50 centers currently in operation, an average income of RS.20000 to Rs.50000 per month per center is seen in 3 to 4 months time.
An indicative idea for Gels Abacus program is given below for understanding the income.
GELS is a reputed brand to promote these products and services.
GELS will offer support in giving a established business model with in built process and training in running this business, Product portfolio management, and new products innovations, training in imparting skill learning, logistics of supplies teaching, and learning aids.
Performance in GELS is driven by every team player, and their common belief in child development.
Our strength is our team.
Training, and constant quality improvement is a mantra that we would like to follow.
With right corporate knowledge support, training, and field performance, success in this business is guaranteed.